Sunday, June 18, 2006

Quality Time

Words of affirmation, receiving gifts, quality time, acts of service or physical touch, which one is your primary love language?

I have learned about Dr. Gary Chapman's five love languages from his interviews and also from our cell group meetings. It is interesting to know that people have different love languages, and you can speak their love languages to connect with them or improve your relationships with them.

I've found out that quality time has become more and more people's primary love language, especially for those who are feeling lonely, depressed or rejected. They need lots of love and caring, but most of all, they want other people to spend time with them, even just sit down and talk to them or listen to them.

"Time is, at its core, a gift of love. Every night on the radio, I encourage my listeners: 'Love someone.' One of the easiest ways to show someone how much you love them is to give them your time. The time we spend with others, the small moments we share in our busy lives, are the most precious gifts we can give or receive. But even more important, you must know that time is always passing. When you fully understand this, you'll never let a moment of it get away from you without making sure you're caught in the act of giving love to someone. It can't wait until tomorrow."

Will you give this precious gift of love to those who you love today?

"When you see an opportunity to share your time with others—your parents, your children, or the stranger you run into on the street—I hope you'll embrace it passionately, giving your time freely and enjoying it to the fullest."

"If you knew this were your last day, what would you do?"

If there is no tomorrow, would you tell your love ones how much you love and appreciate them? Would you tell them all the things that you have been storing in your heart now?

If we still have tomorrow, could we spend some time together? Could we share our hearts with each other, and maybe sing a song together? :) I don't want to wait till the last day, I want to give you my time and my love today.

"Time runs out. But love never ends. It is the only truly renewable resource—you make more by giving it away. We don't have all the time in the world... not in this world, anyway. Even if you have faith in the next world, as I do, you must feel the same urgency I do. We've all wasted time, withholding love... or denying it, or mistaking something else for love. When you finally learn what love is, as I have, you don't want to spend another minute without filling every second with love. Love someone. Start today."
—Delilah, Love Someone Today

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