Sunday, July 27, 2008

Worship Song of July 2008

“You are lone in grandeur,
You are lone in glory,
You are lone in everything far outshining everything I see.

The pillars of heaven tremble,
in hearing Your wondrous story.
Morning stars are singing.
The sons of men are shouting for their joy.

O how great is Your goodness,
You have saved for those who fear You.
Every day I take shelter in the glory of Your name.
For Your face I am jealous.
Just to gaze on Your beauty.
Nothing more, nothing ever.
I am Your treasury of praise.
I am Your treasury of praise.”

(Lone in Grandeur, by Seth Parks)

I heard Jon Thurlow and his worship team sang this song at the IHOP Prayer Room recently. It is a beautiful song. That time they sang it like the singing of heaven, and I was deeply touched by it.

"The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of His hands." (Psalm 19:1)

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